How To Convert On Instagram

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Social Media 301: A Deep Dive Into Instagram with The Forum E-Series

I recently had the opportunity to present to an awesome group of business owners and entrepreneurs at The Forum E- Series. I showed them how to decode some Instagram mysteries and I want to share a few tips and tricks with you too!

So, tell me…Do you have these problems?

  • “I get lots of engagement on my Instagram…but, no one is buying.”
  • “I have no idea how to engage my customers without burning myself out.”
  • “People land on my website from IG, but then I never see them again.”

Well, here’s what I know the pros do to solve those problems…

  • They know their target marketing.
  • They’ve got all their tech set up.
  • They know exactly what their post-click strategy looks like. 

So, what’s it gonna take to get there? A couple of things, actually.

Read on for a couple sweet tips on nailing your social strategy.

You Talkin’ To Me?

Let’s get real with each other: How well do you actually know your target market? Do you know your ideal client’s deepest pains and frustrations? How about the results they’re seeking in their business or life? And, how about what keeps them up at night? 

If you’re having trouble answering any of these questions, sorry friend, but you got problems. You MUST be able to answer these questions in order to connect YOUR services to the transformation you provide to their pains. Pain points are huge and inform everything from design to headlines, so slooooow down and take the time to do the research. You can thank me later.

Show Me Your Tech

The tools of the trade are so important and, if you’re not using the technical resources available to you, then you must be a glutton for punishment. I joke, but seriously, understanding the tools is key to creating a buying experience your customers can’t say no to. 

For example, with Instagram’s ability to link up with selling platforms, like Shopify, you can offer a one-click purchase. I mean, hard to say no to that, right? One. Click. To. Purchase. And, you don’t even have to leave the Instagram platform. Wow, yes, please. 

And, even better, using tech and apps to its full potential helps save you from burnout. So, get your techie hat on, learn the tools, and let the tech do the heavy lifting for you. 

You Got The Click…Now What?

Congrats! You understand your ideal client, you’ve got the tech backing you up, and you’re starting to see engagement and clicks. So, now what? 

Setting up your post-click strategy is key to closing the sale. Whether you have built in shopping features on your IG or not, you still need to map out what happens AFTER you get that magical interaction. 

Consider the whole journey and make sure you have actionable milestones all along the way. No need for complex funnels (unless you like that sort of thing), but at the very least, you need to understand your customer’s journey in a way that makes sense. 

What do you want them to do once they land on your site? Where do you want them to look? How do you want them to feel? Have you made is super EASY for them to commit the action you want them to commit to? 

Things that make you go “Hmmm.” Things that you want to address on your website, dontcha think?

That’s it for now friends and I hope these few tips were helpful. I’d love to hear how they worked for you! Need more help? Send me a message, I’d love to help out! 

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